A Poem
Life is a Journey
Life is but a stopping place,
a pause in what's to be,
A resting place along the road,
to sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
different paths along the way
We all were meant to learn some things,
but never meant to stay...
Our destination is a place,
far greater than we know.
For some the journey's quicker,
for some the journey's slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
we'll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
together with the Lord
Author Unknown
Good poem! This flows and reads the way I like for poetry to do. I didn't use too much poetry when I preached but if I did, it was this kind. I sometimes used this kind with funeral messages. There are some great and comforting thoughts in poetry like this. Thanks for sharing.
Boy, this poem is so true. Sometimes we tend to settle down in this world and make it more important than it really is. Thank you for sharing this. We need to remember how temporary this life is, and believe me, the older you get the more you realize it. Life really is like a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
We had a funeral at our church this morning of a long time member.
I'd like to pass this on to her daughters.
We're just passing through this place, heading to a better place to live forever and forever. Glory to God! Thanks for sharing this most uplifting poem, full of truth and hope.
This world is a nice place to visit, but we shouldn't want to LIVE here. Happy Spiritual Sunday!
What a beautiful poem this morning and reminder that life is a short stop of before our great reward. Thank you Ginger for a wonderful poem today.
A blessed Sonday,
Kathi :)
This is nice! After attending 2 funerals this week, it means even more.
Love, KJ
Just beautiful Ginger~ and yes a reminder of our place is only temporary...
Ginger, tomorrow is the 5 yr. anniversary of the day my Daddy left this world. I often say I haven't lost him, for I know exactly where he is. But reading that poem tonight brought me much comfort as he has been in my thoughts almost constantly. I am so glad I stopped by tonight.
I liked this poem. We forget that in this world, we are just passing through. Thanks, Ginger.
I like this poem, a good reminder to enjoy the journey!
Thanks for visiting and thanks for a wonderful poem it made my day on tuesday. Thank you for sharing I am so blessed that you find Sabbbath Rest a pleace o f peace. Praise to God for His wonderous ways.
What a precious poem, how true it is. A priceless reminder, our journal here is short but eternity with Jesus is our reward.
Kathi :)
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